Beillesztés egy B-fába

Ebben az oktatóanyagban megtanulhatja, hogyan kell kulcsot illeszteni egy btree-be. Ezenkívül talál működő példákat a kulcsok B-fába történő beszúrására C, C ++, Java és Python nyelven.

Az elem beszúrása egy B-fára két eseményből áll: a megfelelő csomópont keresése az elem beillesztése érdekében, és szükség esetén a csomópont felosztása. A beszúrási művelet mindig az alulról felfelé irányuló megközelítésben történik.

Értsük meg alább ezeket az eseményeket.

Beszúrási művelet

  1. Ha a fa üres, rendeljen hozzá egy gyökércsomópontot, és helyezze be a kulcsot.
  2. Frissítse a csomópontban engedélyezett kulcsok számát.
  3. Keresse meg a megfelelő csomópontot a beszúráshoz.
  4. Ha a csomópont megtelt, kövesse az alábbi lépéseket.
  5. Helyezze be az elemeket növekvő sorrendben.
  6. Vannak olyan elemek, amelyek meghaladják a határértékét. Szóval, a mediánnál osztva.
  7. Nyomja felfelé a medián billentyűt, és a bal oldali, jobb oldali pedig a jobb oldali.
  8. Ha a csomópont nem tele, kövesse az alábbi lépéseket.
  9. Helyezze be a csomópontot növekvő sorrendben.

Beszúrási példa

Értsük meg a beszúrási műveletet az alábbi ábrákkal.

A beillesztendő elemek: 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 23.

Elemek beszúrása egy B-fába

Algoritmus egy elem beillesztésére

 BreeInsertion(T, k) r root(T) if n(r) = 2t - 1 s = AllocateNode() root(T) = s leaf(s) = FALSE n(s) <- 0 c1(s) <- r BtreeSplitChild(s, 1, r) BtreeInsertNonFull(s, k) else BtreeInsertNonFull(r, k) BtreeInsertNonFull(x, k) i = n(x) if leaf(x) while i ≧ 1 and k < keyi(x) keyi+1 (x) = keyi(x) i = i - 1 keyi+1(x) = k n(x) = n(x) + 1 else while i ≧ 1 and k < keyi(x) i = i - 1 i = i + 1 if n(ci(x)) == 2t - 1 BtreeSplitChild(x, i, ci(x)) if k &rt; keyi(x) i = i + 1 BtreeInsertNonFull(ci(x), k) BtreeSplitChild(x, i) BtreeSplitChild(x, i, y) z = AllocateNode() leaf(z) = leaf(y) n(z) = t - 1 for j = 1 to t - 1 keyj(z) = keyj+t(y) if not leaf (y) for j = 1 to t cj(z) = cj + t(y) n(y) = t - 1 for j = n(x) + 1 to i + 1 cj+1(x) = cj(x) ci+1(x) = z for j = n(x) to i keyj+1(x) = keyj(x) keyi(x) = keyt(y) n(x) = n(x) + 1 

Példák Python, Java és C / C ++

Python Java C C ++
# Inserting a key on a B-tree in Python # Create a node class BTreeNode: def __init__(self, leaf=False): self.leaf = leaf self.keys = () self.child = () # Tree class BTree: def __init__(self, t): self.root = BTreeNode(True) self.t = t # Insert node def insert(self, k): root = self.root if len(root.keys) == (2 * self.t) - 1: temp = BTreeNode() self.root = temp temp.child.insert(0, root) self.split_child(temp, 0) self.insert_non_full(temp, k) else: self.insert_non_full(root, k) # Insert nonfull def insert_non_full(self, x, k): i = len(x.keys) - 1 if x.leaf: x.keys.append((None, None)) while i>= 0 and k(0)  = 0 and k(0)  x.keys(i)(0): i += 1 self.insert_non_full(x.child(i), k) # Split the child def split_child(self, x, i): t = self.t y = x.child(i) z = BTreeNode(y.leaf) x.child.insert(i + 1, z) x.keys.insert(i, y.keys(t - 1)) z.keys = y.keys(t: (2 * t) - 1) y.keys = y.keys(0: t - 1) if not y.leaf: z.child = y.child(t: 2 * t) y.child = y.child(0: t - 1) # Print the tree def print_tree(self, x, l=0): print("Level ", l, " ", len(x.keys), end=":") for i in x.keys: print(i, end=" ") print() l += 1 if len(x.child)> 0: for i in x.child: self.print_tree(i, l) def main(): B = BTree(3) for i in range(10): B.insert((i, 2 * i)) B.print_tree(B.root) if __name__ == '__main__': main()  
// Inserting a key on a B-tree in Java public class BTree ( private int T; // Node Creation public class Node ( int n; int key() = new int(2 * T - 1); Node child() = new Node(2 * T); boolean leaf = true; public int Find(int k) ( for (int i = 0; i < this.n; i++) ( if (this.key(i) == k) ( return i; ) ) return -1; ); ) public BTree(int t) ( T = t; root = new Node(); root.n = 0; root.leaf = true; ) private Node root; // split private void split(Node x, int pos, Node y) ( Node z = new Node(); z.leaf = y.leaf; z.n = T - 1; for (int j = 0; j < T - 1; j++) ( z.key(j) = y.key(j + T); ) if (!y.leaf) ( for (int j = 0; j = pos + 1; j--) ( x.child(j + 1) = x.child(j); ) x.child(pos + 1) = z; for (int j = x.n - 1; j>= pos; j--) ( x.key(j + 1) = x.key(j); ) x.key(pos) = y.key(T - 1); x.n = x.n + 1; ) // insert key public void insert(final int key) ( Node r = root; if (r.n == 2 * T - 1) ( Node s = new Node(); root = s; s.leaf = false; s.n = 0; s.child(0) = r; split(s, 0, r); _insert(s, key); ) else ( _insert(r, key); ) ) // insert node final private void _insert(Node x, int k) ( if (x.leaf) ( int i = 0; for (i = x.n - 1; i>= 0 && k  = 0 && k x.key(i)) ( i++; ) ) _insert(x.child(i), k); ) ) public void display() ( display(root); ) // Display the tree private void display(Node x) ( assert (x == null); for (int i = 0; i < x.n; i++) ( System.out.print(x.key(i) + " "); ) if (!x.leaf) ( for (int i = 0; i < x.n + 1; i++) ( display(x.child(i)); ) ) ) public static void main(String() args) ( BTree b = new BTree(3); b.insert(8); b.insert(9); b.insert(10); b.insert(11); b.insert(15); b.insert(20); b.insert(17); b.display(); ) ) 
// insertioning a key on a B-tree in C #include #include #define MAX 3 #define MIN 2 struct btreeNode ( int item(MAX + 1), count; struct btreeNode *link(MAX + 1); ); struct btreeNode *root; // Node creation struct btreeNode *createNode(int item, struct btreeNode *child) ( struct btreeNode *newNode; newNode = (struct btreeNode *)malloc(sizeof(struct btreeNode)); newNode->item(1) = item; newNode->count = 1; newNode->link(0) = root; newNode->link(1) = child; return newNode; ) // Insert void insertValue(int item, int pos, struct btreeNode *node, struct btreeNode *child) ( int j = node->count; while (j> pos) ( node->item(j + 1) = node->item(j); node->link(j + 1) = node->link(j); j--; ) node->item(j + 1) = item; node->link(j + 1) = child; node->count++; ) // Split node void splitNode(int item, int *pval, int pos, struct btreeNode *node, struct btreeNode *child, struct btreeNode **newNode) ( int median, j; if (pos> MIN) median = MIN + 1; else median = MIN; *newNode = (struct btreeNode *)malloc(sizeof(struct btreeNode)); j = median + 1; while (j item(j - median) = node->item(j); (*newNode)->link(j - median) = node->link(j); j++; ) node->count = median; (*newNode)->count = MAX - median; if (pos item(node->count); (*newNode)->link(0) = node->link(node->count); node->count--; ) // Set the value of node int setNodeValue(int item, int *pval, struct btreeNode *node, struct btreeNode **child) ( int pos; if (!node) ( *pval = item; *child = NULL; return 1; ) if (item item(1)) ( pos = 0; ) else ( for (pos = node->count; (item item(pos) && pos> 1); pos--) ; if (item == node->item(pos)) ( printf("Duplicates not allowed"); return 0; ) ) if (setNodeValue(item, pval, node->link(pos), child)) ( if (node->count link(pos); for (; dummy->link(0) != NULL;) dummy = dummy->link(0); myNode->item(pos) = dummy->item(1); ) // Do rightshift void rightShift(struct btreeNode *myNode, int pos) ( struct btreeNode *x = myNode->link(pos); int j = x->count; while (j> 0) ( x->item(j + 1) = x->item(j); x->link(j + 1) = x->link(j); ) x->item(1) = myNode->item(pos); x->link(1) = x->link(0); x->count++; x = myNode->link(pos - 1); myNode->item(pos) = x->item(x->count); myNode->link(pos) = x->link(x->count); x->count--; return; ) // Do leftshift void leftShift(struct btreeNode *myNode, int pos) ( int j = 1; struct btreeNode *x = myNode->link(pos - 1); x->count++; x->item(x->count) = myNode->item(pos); x->link(x->count) = myNode->link(pos)->link(0); x = myNode->link(pos); myNode->item(pos) = x->item(1); x->link(0) = x->link(1); x->count--; while (j count) ( x->item(j) = x->item(j + 1); x->link(j) = x->link(j + 1); j++; ) return; ) // Merge the nodes void mergeNodes(struct btreeNode *myNode, int pos) ( int j = 1; struct btreeNode *x1 = myNode->link(pos), *x2 = myNode->link(pos - 1); x2->count++; x2->item(x2->count) = myNode->item(pos); x2->link(x2->count) = myNode->link(0); while (j count) ( x2->count++; x2->item(x2->count) = x1->item(j); x2->link(x2->count) = x1->link(j); j++; ) j = pos; while (j count) ( myNode->item(j) = myNode->item(j + 1); myNode->link(j) = myNode->link(j + 1); j++; ) myNode->count--; free(x1); ) // Adjust the node void adjustNode(struct btreeNode *myNode, int pos) ( if (!pos) ( if (myNode->link(1)->count> MIN) ( leftShift(myNode, 1); ) else ( mergeNodes(myNode, 1); ) ) else ( if (myNode->count != pos) ( if (myNode->link(pos - 1)->count> MIN) ( rightShift(myNode, pos); ) else ( if (myNode->link(pos + 1)->count> MIN) ( leftShift(myNode, pos + 1); ) else ( mergeNodes(myNode, pos); ) ) ) else ( if (myNode->link(pos - 1)->count> MIN) rightShift(myNode, pos); else mergeNodes(myNode, pos); ) ) ) // Traverse the tree void traversal(struct btreeNode *myNode) ( int i; if (myNode) ( for (i = 0; i count; i++) ( traversal(myNode->link(i)); printf("%d ", myNode->item(i + 1)); ) traversal(myNode->link(i)); ) ) int main() ( int item, ch; insertion(8); insertion(9); insertion(10); insertion(11); insertion(15); insertion(16); insertion(17); insertion(18); insertion(20); insertion(23); traversal(root); )
// Inserting a key on a B-tree in C++ #include using namespace std; class Node ( int *keys; int t; Node **C; int n; bool leaf; public: Node(int _t, bool _leaf); void insertNonFull(int k); void splitChild(int i, Node *y); void traverse(); friend class BTree; ); class BTree ( Node *root; int t; public: BTree(int _t) ( root = NULL; t = _t; ) void traverse() ( if (root != NULL) root->traverse(); ) void insert(int k); ); Node::Node(int t1, bool leaf1) ( t = t1; leaf = leaf1; keys = new int(2 * t - 1); C = new Node *(2 * t); n = 0; ) // Traverse the nodes void Node::traverse() ( int i; for (i = 0; i traverse(); cout << " " 
 keys(0) = k; root->n = 1; ) else ( if (root->n == 2 * t - 1) ( Node *s = new Node(t, false); s->C(0) = root; s->splitChild(0, root); int i = 0; if (s->keys(0) C(i)->insertNonFull(k); root = s; ) else root->insertNonFull(k); ) ) // Insert non full condition void Node::insertNonFull(int k) ( int i = n - 1; if (leaf == true) ( while (i>= 0 && keys(i)> k) ( keys(i + 1) = keys(i); i--; ) keys(i + 1) = k; n = n + 1; ) else ( while (i>= 0 && keys(i)> k) i--; if (C(i + 1)->n == 2 * t - 1) ( splitChild(i + 1, C(i + 1)); if (keys(i + 1) insertNonFull(k); ) ) // split the child void Node::splitChild(int i, Node *y) ( Node *z = new Node(y->t, y->leaf); z->n = t - 1; for (int j = 0; j keys(j) = y->keys(j + t); if (y->leaf == false) ( for (int j = 0; j C(j) = y->C(j + t); ) y->n = t - 1; for (int j = n; j>= i + 1; j--) C(j + 1) = C(j); C(i + 1) = z; for (int j = n - 1; j>= i; j--) keys(j + 1) = keys(j); keys(i) = y->keys(t - 1); n = n + 1; ) int main() ( BTree t(3); t.insert(8); t.insert(9); t.insert(10); t.insert(11); t.insert(15); t.insert(16); t.insert(17); t.insert(18); t.insert(20); t.insert(23); cout << "The B-tree is: "; t.traverse(); ) 

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